Thursday, December 18, 2008

dragons, popsicles, racecars, christmas trees, hula-hoops, outerspace. ♥

I ask for something to write about and this is what I get. Sheesh. What am I supposed to do with that?

I guess we'll find out....


Chip looked over his shoulder and smiled at what he saw. His entire crew was moving so fluidly they looked as if each person knew exactly what the other was thinking. He had trained them for moments just like this, though. Chip began to smile as he felt the air begin to crackle; the tell-tale sign that his ship, The Luku, was about to enter hyperspace. Just a few more seconds and they would be free, just another ship sailing through the infinite depths of outerspace.

Nothing is ever that easy, though, and Chip knew it. His current cargo was worth more than the ship that was transporting it, and the Luku was no cheap freighter. A quick scan of the shps radar showed a slight irregularity moving closer and moving quickly. It could only be Fa' Ching of the infamous Dragons. The way the "irregularity" moved was purposeful, though not direct, so as not to draw attention to itself.

Chip barked orders at his crew and they moved without thinking, without questioning. As the Luku's captain, Chip had brought his crew through many tight spaces and not a single blemish on their criminal records. As a smuggler and a thief, Chip was a legend. As a ship's captain, he was both revered and loved for both his respect for his crew and for his ability to assess a situation and react appropriately before anyone else had even registered the need to act.


Yeah, I'm not feeling that space cowboy story. But... for those of you who were in to it, the precious cargo was going to be a racecar stolen from Fa' Ching's private collection. Not sure where I was going to go with that, though. I've never attempted to write anything taking place in space, so... who knows.


A quick hop, skip and a jump back to Earth brings us to the next section of this blog.... Many of you know that I've been a little under the weather, lately. That's old news. Well, for some reason, whenever I get sick, everyone I know seems to have the perfect remedy for whatever ails me. The best remedy, suggested to me many times over the years by a friend who shall remain nameless to protect his innocence, is to receieve oral sex. In his words, "Fuck time... It's Head that cures all wounds!" And really, I'm not sure I can argue with that...

I did hear something new this time, though. A friend of mine suggested I grab a combo pack of dayquil and nyquil (which I did) and a popsicle (which I didn't.) Apparently the popsicle is another form of cure-all. I can see how a nice fruity popsicle could help soothe the throat. But for me, whenever I think of popsicles... at least now, I think of this:

And really, I'm okay with that... I just equate popsicles with girls pleasuring themselves.

Huh... Now that I'm thinking about that... I guess I do feel a little bit better.

Guess that works after all.


Throughout my life I have has some amazing friends. It's really true. I honestly can't think of a single time in my life that I didn't have at least one friend that I'd take a bullet for. Not in a vital organ or anything, but in an appendage, for sure. Along with those friends have come some pretty amazing families, too. There have even been a couple of families that have taken me in as one of their own.

When I was in Cape Coral, though, my best friend, David's, mom really took me in. They lived just down the street, so I was over there all the time. I remember when I first met them. It was before they'd actually moved in to the neighborhood. David and his mom were in the neighborhood visiting her sister, and I saw them sitting outside one day. I'd never seen this new kid before, so invited him to come play with us down at the tree-fort. His mom said it was okay, so he came with. We ended up back at his aunt's place later that afternoon where his mom made us lunch. I must have made quite the impression, because I was invited over to their place the next weekend.

Not long after that, they moved in to the house at the end of my block. I spent so much time there over the next few years, it was kind of ridiculous. To this day, David's mom is the only parent of a friend that I call by her actual name. Every other parent of a friend I call Mr or Mrs Whoever. But David's mom was Jane.

I still remember what it was that really made me feel a part of that family, though. It was the first year they lived in the neighborhood. Christmas. Not too big of a deal for me... you know, being Jewish and all... but Jane invited me over to help decorate their Christmas tree. I'd never done that before, so I said sure. The three of us threaded popcorn onto fishing line, strung lights in neat circles around the tree and placed ornaments in a way that would look both random but also with purpose. By the end of the night, the tree looked perfect. Or so I thought. Jane brought out the final ornaments. The first was one that she made when she was in first grade, the second was one that was given to David by his grandparents for his first Christmas, and the third was one that she made for me for my first Christmas with them.

I decorated their tree with them every year after that. Even my Junior year of high school when David and I weren't as close as we had been before, I got the phone call letting me know it was time to decorate and I was there to do it.


awww... that was nice. I hate to follow that up with a trite story about hula-hoops. 'Though I do have a fond memory of a hula hoop contest during Project Graduation.... but it's just not the same.

Anyways, It's quite warm here, so I think I'm going to close up the windows and turn on the AC. In December. Sheesh.

1 comment:

lulurose said...

heh! luv it! u r the best.
