Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August? Really?

I can't believe this month is almost over.

I have a birthday in a week in a half.

This will be my first birthday in quite some time that I won't be celebrating in Vegas.

That makes me sad.

Honestly, it breaks my heart more than just a little bit.

At first, it didn't really bother me... I mean, I'm still going to celebrate Davetember in style... Just not Big Baller Style.

This isn't going to be my big, introspective look at the year that has passed... but... looking back at all the decisions I've made over the last few years that have ultimate lead me to be in the position I'm in... well... I'm not sure Present Me agrees with some of the stuff Past Me decided to do.

They say that everything in life happens for a reason, though... but really, who the fuck are "they" and where do they get their information?

I saw, when life gives you lemons, suck it up and eat 'em if that's all you've got. Sure, you'll make that goofball sourpuss face for a few, but really, having lemons is better than not having anything at all, right?

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Something About Women That Bugs the Crap Out of Me

Ok... so I realize that with the title above, the subject of this blog is pretty vague. There is one thing that has been top of mind lately, though. And that is dreams.

Not so much the dreams themselves... What happens in a dream is completely out of anybody's control. What kills me, though, is when a women gets upset at me for something I did or did not do in their dream.

Seriously, ladies... If I had any control over what I was doing in your dreams it would certainly NOT be whatever it was that would lead you to be pissed off at me.

I had this one X who's subconscious thought very little of me. I can't tell you how many times she had dreams about me killing her (I think that was from watching too much Dexter) or abandoning her in strange places (too much LOST) or cheating on her (no clue where that one came from...) And each time she would have one of those bad dreams she would be pissed at me the entire next day. It was ridiculous.

She wasn't the only one, either. There have been others. And each time it happens, there's nothing to do but throw my hands up in the air in frustration and appologize for my dream-self.

My question is, why doesn't it ever work the other way? Why can't I get me a little mornin' lovin' when I do something awesome in a dream? C'mon, ladies... I'm sure for every misdeed I may do in a dream there's at least one good thing. I'm not all bad, am I?

If there were some good to counterbalance the bad, I would be much more inclined to accept whatever fate the dreamworld had for me... but if it's just the bad? Well that just isn't fair...

On a side note: I shouldn't drink coffee after 9pm. Especially if its been a while since I've had caffine. Wooooooooodiggity, its 1:35am!!