Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 Year In Review

For those of you just joining me, every year on or around New Year's Eve I write up a nice little recap of the previous year and throw out a few goals that never seen to come to fruition.

Last year, my goals were to get my wisdom teeth out (still there), fix my deviated septum (still deviated) and get in better shape (still weigh the same amount as last year and look about the same, minus the hair). Yeah. None of that happened.

None of it.

So what did happen?

I know you're curious...

Actually, you're probably not. If you're reading this now, you've probably been with me in either body or spirit the whole time.... But I'm going to tell you anyway, because that's just what I do.

This is going to be weird for me to write since I started it happy and am now continuing it sad. I won't tell you why I'm sad here, though, because it's SO 2009 and not belonging in the '08 recap.

So... where to begin....

I keep thinking of stories to tell... but not sure which details to leave in and which details to leave out... I don't even want to write this right now, but I know that if I don't, I won't.


can't concentrate.


It sure had it's ups and downs.

I broke both my arms.

That was, most literally, up and then crashing down.

I was incredibly selfish in 2008. More so than I ever have been before in my life.

Looking back on it, that was really the theme of the year for me. I don't feel bad about that, either. I spend so much of my life, so much of my time, so much of my energy trying to make other people happy. I've been like that my whole life, putting other people's needs and wants before my own. That's always been my thing.

2008, though... 2008 was different. Now, when I say that I was selfish... that's just in comparison to every other year in my life. For most people, I was just living life the way it was meant to be lived.

The reason I broke my arms playing basketball is because I was in such a good mood I thought I could dunk a basketball. The reason I was in such a good mood was because I was in lust and was actually doing something about it. Not on the basketball court, but at the time. That's atypical for me. It was fun... but it didn't work out. But hey, at least I tried.

I also fell in love this year. It started in the beginning of October. Because of Barletta. It's been such a strange trip. It seems like we've been talking every day for years, not just months. But still. We've talked just about every single day for four months. Some nights it was for a few minutes. Most nights it was for an hour or two. On several occasions it was until the sun came up. I knew she was special almost right away.


I'm not going to do this right now.

So how was that selfish? How could falling in love possibly be considered selfish? Well.... because it's what I wanted to do, not what she wanted to do. Again, not getting into the details right now so you'll just have to trust me on that one...

I'm tired.

Today has been a long, long day...

What a wonderful start to the new year.

It's not all bad, mind you.

The future is ripe with opportunity. I'm not giving up on that one.... it's just being placed on hold... indefinitely. In the meantime, though, the possibilities are endless. I mean, there are still 364 days left in 2009. In January of last year I never would have predicted the events of last year... not in a million tries... so I'm not about to try to guess what this year will hold for me.

Here's hoping for more smiles than tears. More friends than enemies. More good than bad. More love than hate.

1 comment:

lulurose said...

not happy w this draft. pls re-review 2008 asap.

x x,
