Monday, January 26, 2009

I am very awake right now. That might not seem like a big deal to most of you, but it does to me. The issue is that it is currently 4am. Actually, that's a lie. It is now 4.50am. That means I've been up for about 50 minutes. I'm not sure why I'm up, but I am.

What does one do at 4am? Well, this particular someone, on this particular night, has done absolutely nothing productive. I have spent much of the last hour reading posts on Facebook while searching for a job in the greater San Diego area. So far, no dice. On the job front, I did have several interesting notes to read on FB.

I think it's funny how, earlier, I really wanted to be awake but couldn't keep my eyes open... and now that I really want to be asleep, I can't keep them closed. Perhaps I'll throw on a movie... that usually puts me right out.

I honestly thought that there was going to be something more in here... soemthing meaningful... something deep.... but... apparently not.

I think I'll go to bed, actually... see how that pans out.

Wish me luck!

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