Wednesday, December 30, 2009

two thousand and nine.

every year aroudn this time i take a little while to reflect back on the year that was.... i don't feel like doing that right now.

i just got back from jacksonville where i was visiting my friend, his wife and their newborn. the baby is only 2 weeks old. so tiny. so beautiful.

while driving back, i started thinking about what i'd write here and i started to think about some of the new years eves in my past.

i remember one in gainesville. pretty much All of my friends had gone home, but i was working so had to stay in g'ville. daver threw a party in the yellow house and invited me... i didn't have anything else going on, so i went.

i didn't the party would be much fun for me since i didn't really know anyone, so i decided to bring a date--a bottle of captain morgan. when i got there, it turned out i was right. i didnt' know anyone there other than daver. well... i was half right. i did end up having a good time. i polished off the bottle of cap'n and even found a replacement date for the remainder of the evening. i'm pretty sure her name was megan. it could have been sarah, though... or jennifer. i'm really not too sure.

i ended up passing out on a couch that night, with her in my arms.

i woke up early the next morning, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and grabbed her a blanket before i left.

it looks like this new years will be pretty similar. going to a party where i'll only know one person and i'll be bringing the same date--captain morgan.

maybe i'll give you my thoughts on 2009 this weekend... or maybe i won't.

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