Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I just woke up from a nap... it was really quite amazing. was watching a movie. Slacker. it put me to sleep. cult classic? maybe. not sure i'd want to be a part of that cult, though. what was the point? i don't know.

the nap.

the nap was amazing.

absolutely absolute.

been wondering what the point in Life is, lately. are we meant to wander, or do we really have a purpose? not that i'm looking to find god, or anything like that... just musing. trying to find out which reality is the one worth living in. the reality in which i make This decision, or That one.

i lost something. something i can never get back. i didn't mean to let it happen... it just slipped through my fingers.

i need another adventure. my life seems stale. it's not bad. not at all. i'm probably having more fun, leading a more full life these last few weeks than i have in a long time. there's hardly a night that goes by that i'm not up to some sort of shinanigans. i just need... something bigger.

any suggestions?

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