Friday, December 31, 2010

So, I totally slept with my dream...
or maybe i dreamed in my sleep?
the way things are moving right now
its just so hard to tell
sometimes i go a little crazy
just like you
sometimes i go a little crazy
just to be like you
you slap my face
and break my heart
but i come back for more
because its my favorite part
take it back
take it back now
lets pretend it didn't happen
lets pretend we're not real
just ghosts in the night
and gone
like we were never here
not a trace
but a memory.


i'm bored.
and don't want to pack
you should pack for me
this is why i need a woman
to pack for me
i wish i had a camera to bring to tampa with me
but i broke mine
sux, i know
i broke my good camera
its out to service
hopefully they don't fix it
hopefully they junk it out
if they do, i already know what i'm getting
sony nex-5+lenses
part of me wants mine back
but more of me wants the new one
that's just the way i am
even when I have something pretty badass
I always want a new one after a year or so
new ones are shiny
i like shiny
i think that's the jew in me.
i could be wrong
if you look at that as if it were about women, though
that's not quite it
i don't care if the women are shiny
shiny is actually a sign of oily skin
i just love the chase
i always have.
i think that's why i get bored in relationships...
when the chase is over and i've got what i want... what's the point in going on?
i think that's why i go for crazy
because the chase goes on and on
because, with crazy, even once you've won, things can change in an instant
and you have to start over again
fresh chase
it's like hitting the reset button every once in a while...

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