Wednesday, September 16, 2009

something weird is happening....
i just don't know what it is
she never saw him coming
and once he was there
there was nothing she could do
check once
check twice
be sure
there's just something about the taste that i can't get out of my mind
i want it
i need it
i want it
play on, playa
kids do the darndest things. today I heard a little boy talking to his dad... the kid said, "Dad, can I tell you a story?" the dad said, "of course." So the kid tells his story, and it went a little somethign like this: "Today, I was walking behind someone."
The end.
That was the story.
The kid looked so proud.
So did the dad.
Oh D!
If I had to do things all over again, I'd only do them a smidge differently. Just a smidge.
If only somebody warned me

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