I'm hoping the reason I can't sleep is because I haven't been writing.
Somehow I doubt that's the problem, though.
I think it's because too much of my life is in a state of transition.
Nothing is home.
And frankly, I'm not sure exactly what I want to be home.
A part of me wants to move to California and start over.
Another part of me really doesn't want to start over again. That part likes where I am. That part wants to settle down in this area and really live my life instead of just going through the motions on a daily basis.
I dunno, though....
I'm addicted. I can't stop even though I know I should. I don't want to, though.
Her words are as soft as her touch, and they both drive me absolutely wild.
When are we?
For those of you wondering, I did have an amazing time on my birthday. Thank you Gabe, Mike, KT, Maria and Layla for making it a trip I will never forget.
We are the Triumverate of Cool.
wrap my heart in bands of rosewood
I ask myself the same questions over and over and each time i expect a different answer, but each time i only get the truth
i close my eyes and feel your hands on my chest, my neck, my face. i kiss your fingertips. I smile and open my eyes, wishing you were here with me
I hope I never forget the way it felt to have your lips pressed against mine.
I got sidetracked again.
that happens a lot.
Is it better to be lost or found?
I'm hoping the answer is Lost, because I haven't been Found in a very, very long time
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