This blog has almost nothing to do with Claire Daines. Almost. I never really got into the show, My So-Called Life. It was very short lived and, from what everyone says, absolutely amazing. Maybe it's because I'm a guy. Or maybe its because I actually enjoyed High School, and wasn't really involved in any heavy drama or anything. I don't know. I do know these two fundamental facts, though.
1. When Claire Danes played Juliet, I totally fell for her. I can't really pinpoint exactly what it was about her.... but I was done.
2. The world is a different place now.
I saw pictures of my friends baby within an hour of him being born as they were posted on Facebook.
Another friend isn't feeling as highly motivated heading into finals week as he normally is.
Someone I went to High School with, but I don't think I've ever actually said a word to, was "on [her] way home and can barely move" about an hour ago.
Via Twitter I know that my cousin misses his ex girlfriend, but not enough to get back together with her and get married.
I know that another friend is excited about a new WoW tweak.
I know that Rain Wilson is making jokes about Obama's health care reforms.
And I know all these things no matter where I am or what I'm doing. My blackberry allows me to cyber-stalk my friends through status updates, uploaded photo's and random texts. I know more about what my friends are doing now than I did when I was in college actually hanging out with them, because now can follow what they're doing when we're not in the same room or even the same state.
I have been in touch with family members and old friends that I never would have been in contact with if it weren't for the wonders of modern technology.
My So-Connected Life indeed.
I'm one of the worst culprits I know. Even now, while I type this, I have a browser window open with Facebook, where my current status is: I drank a five hour energy drink 3 hours ago thinking I was going out. now I'm not. shit. (posted 3 hours ago).
I have AIM open with an away message stating: I'm here. Somewhere. Bored. Awake.
I have my Cellphone right next to my keyboard eagerly awaiting texts.
This is the world we live in.
Some people say that all this technology separates us. Divides us. They say that technology has turned us in to Virtual People. There is even a movie coming out this summer called Surrogates about a possible future in which people don't even leave their living rooms. They just plug into their computer and control a Virtual Self to traverse the world in their places.
I disagree.
There have always been hermits. People who would rather be alone than with others. Technology allows them to do so, while still getting some form of interaction, whether it's through blogging or social networking or even mmorpg's like WoW.
But for me and countless others, this new ConnectedLife is about just that: being Connected, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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