sometimes i think that i want too much....
i just don't know what it is.
i mean,
i have this general idea of what i want...
i can see its shape,
but it's fuzzy,
and sometimes it seems so fucking far away.
life is a puzzle
with millions of pieces.
some days those pieces just seem to fall into place
other days
it's a fight just to keep the whole thing from falling apart.
i know, i know
we've been down this road before
i've felt these things
said these words
and looked into your same, sad eyes
and every time i hope for something different
but every time
its just the same
i wonder what she thinks every time she sees my name.
am i just a blip on the screen?
here and then gone again.
or do i linger in her thoughts
in her dreams
the way she's always here with me?
I shed my skin again
and I shed my skin again
hoping to begin again
hoping it's not the same old thing again
if not now, then when?
it must be time to shed my skin again.
I want to be on the beach right now.
My feet in the cold sand
The moon reflecting on the water
Lights in the distance
Sounds of music and laughter
Being hushed by the surf.
Some nights i love writing like this... little snippits of thought. nothing complete. nothing whole. no real beginnings and no real ends. like a page from life. every story is ongoing. there are no ends. there are callbacks. and memories. regrets. laughs. inside jokes. dreams and nightmares. everything comes back.
anyways... this didn't end anything like it started. i had an idea. a plan. i had something to say. instead, i leave you feeling... incomplete. maybe whatever it is that i'm missing will come to me in my dreams....
probably not.
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