I don't remember the name of my preschool, I think it had a berry in the name, though... like The Blackberry Academy or something like that. I'm sure I could dig up my diploma if I really wanted to.... actually. One sec. K. Got it. NSUH Preschool in Westbery NY.
Things were so much more simple back then.
Days were shorter. Time went by faster. No cares. No worries that couldn't be taken care of with a little kiss from mom. Sleep came quickly and the day came quickly. Everything in life was an adventure. A walk down the street could be anything from a quick trip to the neighbor's to a safari through the african wilds.
I remember going outside shortly after Hurricane Gloria ripped her way through NY... I was walking 3 houses down to a friend's house... I jumped up into the air, and the wind was so strong that it literally carried me backwards. I yelled for my friend to come outside and we spent the afternoon just jumping up and down being carried by the wind.
One winter day, the same friend and I were playing in the snow. We decided to experiment with it... we were two scientists trapped in a frozen wasteland charged with the lone task of creating a substance that would eat away at the frozen earth, unveiling the life beneath. After hours of experimentation, we discovered a perfect solution to dissolve the snow! Hot, soapy water! We ran around with water guns filled with warm soapy water, shooting snowmen for the rest of the day.
Okay... I'm being told that it's bed time, so I guess I'll leave you folks with that little piece of dave.
Sleep well.
Sleep deeply.
Lie on your back with your legs and arms spread wide and take up your whole bed.
Sleep without caring what tomorrow will bring, just knowing that it will be a grand adventure.
Sleep like you did when you were five.
Sleep and be happy.
1 comment:
aww...so sweet!
hope u sleep soundly and wake up happy too!
x x,
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