I woke up completely drenched in sweat. Its so cold in the room, though, that I'm shivering even though it feels like my entire body is burning up. I've been awake for almost an hour, but the dream is still with me, seeping out every pore as my body tries to cleanse itself.
It started off so well, too. I thought it was going to be a happy dream.
We were together. At last. Driving together in a strange city, I'm not sure quite where. We were talking just loud enough to be heard over the rain rap-tap-tapping on the winshield about the most trivial things. Her hand was resting on mine and just the feel of her touch sent electricity up my arm. My eyes were locked on the road as I tried to navigate the strange roads in the rain, but I could hear in her voice that she was smiling.
Everything was gold. Solid gold.
We pulled off the road when we saw a large white building, thinking it would be a good place to keep out of the rain for a little while. That was not a good idea. It turns out the building was an abandoned hospital and we met up with a group of pretty young people who were planning on spending the night there. That's right. Commence cheesy horror movie.
One by one the pretty young people were killed by a mysterious stranger. Running. Screaming. Hiding. We stayed together, though, She and I. We never left each other's side as we fought for survival. We saw some horrible things happen to some very pretty people, but we were powerless to stop it, we could only save ourselves.
I'll skip over the gory details, so let's fast forward to the end of the dream...
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We are the only two left alive. Everyone else who stepped foot in the hospital was dead and, in many cases, in several pieces. We had made it to the roof, though, and started climbing down the fire escape so that, finally, we would be free of the nightmare. We slowly crept down, step by step, being so careful that we wouldn't be spotted by the killer. Finally, our feet hit the dirt outside the hospital. We're almost free. I take her in my arms and we kiss, so thankful to be alive.
Stealthily, we make our way to the car. As we get close, though, we can alerady tell that something is wrong. The doors are covered in bloody handprints. We sneak closer. Closer. Closer, so that we can get a better view. About fifty feet from the car, we can see that there are two people sitting in it.
Our only way out, blocked by, what turns out to be, two killers working in tandem. I pick up the biggest stick I can find to use it as a weapon so that we can finally escape. She was one step behind me as we made our way closer. Fourty feet.... thrity feet... twenty feet... ten.... and that's when we saw them.
Their clothes were torn. They were covered in blood. A large knife lay on each of their laps as they just sat in the car tending to each others wounds.
We stopped dead in our tracks, our breath caught in our throats as we waited for the killers to turn so we could see their faces. After a few minutes that seemed like hours, they did. I heard a scream behind me, but I couldn't make a sound. I just stood up and stared. My stick--my weapon--fell from my hand.
The killers looked at us and just smiled. The faces so familiar, but twisted with pain and hatred.
It was us.
We were the killers.
I turned back to make sure She was ok. To hold her. To tell her that I loved her. But she was gone.
I turned to face the car and looked into my own eyes. I clenched my eyes closed, hoping that when I opened them, it would all be over.
I could feel her hand close around mine and she whispered in my ear that it was all going to be ok. Slowly, I opened my eyes and found that I was back in the car. I looked outside and there was nobody there.
I closed my eyes again and sighed. Had any of that actually happened? I turned to face her. She was covered in blood. So was I.
We were the killers.
And that's when I woke up. I need to take a shower. I feel dirty.
It started off so well, too. I thought it was going to be a happy dream.
We were together. At last. Driving together in a strange city, I'm not sure quite where. We were talking just loud enough to be heard over the rain rap-tap-tapping on the winshield about the most trivial things. Her hand was resting on mine and just the feel of her touch sent electricity up my arm. My eyes were locked on the road as I tried to navigate the strange roads in the rain, but I could hear in her voice that she was smiling.
Everything was gold. Solid gold.
We pulled off the road when we saw a large white building, thinking it would be a good place to keep out of the rain for a little while. That was not a good idea. It turns out the building was an abandoned hospital and we met up with a group of pretty young people who were planning on spending the night there. That's right. Commence cheesy horror movie.
One by one the pretty young people were killed by a mysterious stranger. Running. Screaming. Hiding. We stayed together, though, She and I. We never left each other's side as we fought for survival. We saw some horrible things happen to some very pretty people, but we were powerless to stop it, we could only save ourselves.
I'll skip over the gory details, so let's fast forward to the end of the dream...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>
We are the only two left alive. Everyone else who stepped foot in the hospital was dead and, in many cases, in several pieces. We had made it to the roof, though, and started climbing down the fire escape so that, finally, we would be free of the nightmare. We slowly crept down, step by step, being so careful that we wouldn't be spotted by the killer. Finally, our feet hit the dirt outside the hospital. We're almost free. I take her in my arms and we kiss, so thankful to be alive.
Stealthily, we make our way to the car. As we get close, though, we can alerady tell that something is wrong. The doors are covered in bloody handprints. We sneak closer. Closer. Closer, so that we can get a better view. About fifty feet from the car, we can see that there are two people sitting in it.
Our only way out, blocked by, what turns out to be, two killers working in tandem. I pick up the biggest stick I can find to use it as a weapon so that we can finally escape. She was one step behind me as we made our way closer. Fourty feet.... thrity feet... twenty feet... ten.... and that's when we saw them.
Their clothes were torn. They were covered in blood. A large knife lay on each of their laps as they just sat in the car tending to each others wounds.
We stopped dead in our tracks, our breath caught in our throats as we waited for the killers to turn so we could see their faces. After a few minutes that seemed like hours, they did. I heard a scream behind me, but I couldn't make a sound. I just stood up and stared. My stick--my weapon--fell from my hand.
The killers looked at us and just smiled. The faces so familiar, but twisted with pain and hatred.
It was us.
We were the killers.
I turned back to make sure She was ok. To hold her. To tell her that I loved her. But she was gone.
I turned to face the car and looked into my own eyes. I clenched my eyes closed, hoping that when I opened them, it would all be over.
I could feel her hand close around mine and she whispered in my ear that it was all going to be ok. Slowly, I opened my eyes and found that I was back in the car. I looked outside and there was nobody there.
I closed my eyes again and sighed. Had any of that actually happened? I turned to face her. She was covered in blood. So was I.
We were the killers.
And that's when I woke up. I need to take a shower. I feel dirty.
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