I will tell you anything you want
All you have to do is ask
I new it would come back to you
This whole time
I wasn't sure if it was what I wanted
But there you were
right before my eyes
I can't tell you what you want
But you want to be alone
And I don't want to be alone
Maybe next year
We'll be on the same page
But maybe next year
We'll both be gone
I can't tell you who you are
But I do know what you are
to me
I can't tell you who you are
But I can tell you that you're not alone
Last time we were together you whispered something to me that I can't forget.
You thought you were being sneaky, whispering in my bad ear... but you whispered just loud enough for me to hear.
I smile now, just thinking about it.
I haven't written anything in a long time and I'm not really sure I know why that is. Actually... I might know why that is.
In fact.
Fuck it.
I know EXACTLY why I haven't been writing... I'm missing my inspiration. I was close. So close. I could feel her next to me... but when I turned towards her, she was gone. Poof! Like magic!
I was left with smoke and mirrors and empty words at my fingertips
What used to flow became a trickle.
... And just like that, the well has run dry. I must have typed a dozen sentences and deleted them all. None seemed to say what I wanted them to say.
I'll leave you with this, though: Let's you and me hope that I find my inspiration soon. I'm not sure I can take many more nights without the will/desire/want/need/whatever to write.
Good night, San Diego.. and Good night, world. This is Dave, signing off.
Peace out. and remember. eat those vegetables!
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