I've learned a lot about myself over the last few weeks.
Normally I am very self conscious. I am. Its true. I'm an incredibly shy person who, most times, doesn't think much of himself.
I know it doesn't seem like it most of the time and I certainly know that is NOT how I should think... but it is.
The reason I end up being so social is because I like to push myself. I enjoy doing things that scare the crap out of me. I mean, I'm scare shitless doing it... but... I do it because I know I shouldn't be scared.
Does any of that make sense?
Its like heights. I'm afraid of heights yet, a few years ago, walked to the edge of a cliff. Fear gripped my heart and I was drenched in sweat, but I did it anyway because I knew there was nothing I should be afraid of. Same thing at work. I'll take the lift 20 feet into the air to pull down a TV even though I'm so scared that I can't move my feet once I'm off the ground. I'm afraid, but I shouldn't be, so I do it anyway.
where was I going with this?
Oh yeah... confidence.
I don't usually have it.
I might talk big game sometimes, but that's all it is.... talk.
There are some things that bring out extreme confidence in me, though.
Two things.
Racquetball and Spades.
I wish the two things were, like, talking to women and job interviews... but no.
Racuqetball and Spades.
This weekend we played a game of Spades and, even though my team was losing at the time, I was sure we were going to win. There was no doubt in my mind, even as the other team was doubling us in points, that my team would win. That I would win. Everyone in the room knew it, too. Trust me, I let them know. I talked non-stop for about an hour.... just spewing shit because I knew that no matter what the current situation was, I would win.
I did win, by the way. My team did, anyways. I couldn't have done it without the hard work of The Team.
I had such confidence that it was gushing out of me. It was a good time.
I just wish I could be like that all the time.
There's really no reason that I can't be. I mean, its obviously in me... I'm just scared when I'm not in my element.
That's something I should work on.
I've been saying that my whole life... but this time its different.
New beginings and all that jazz.
Wish me luck!
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