Wednesday, February 10, 2010

i was going to write about that Other thing that happened the day of the picnic way back in the day, but i'm just not up to that tonight...

right now my thoughts are elsewhere...

right now i'm thinking of the move.

it's a big move.

a huge one.

i'm saying goodbye to a life i've known for years and years. i mean, i've only been in tampa for the last 2.5 years or so.... but before that was g'ville.... and cape coral. even the cape is city like compare to where i'm going.

i'm just really looking forward to going up there to make a change. i get to go someplace new... someplace that doesn't know me... and i get to teach them what working in retail is all about. it's real easy... there's no great secret behind it... all you have to do is be able to make decisions. that's it. what's right for the customer and what's right for the business. you find those answers and you mush them together and you get a profitable store. bam. like magic.

anyways... tomorrow is, most likely, my last day of work in wesley chapel... it's going to be weird.
but weird.

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