Friday, July 31, 2009

when you look at my face, what do you see? a friend? a lover? your future? your past? tell me what i mean to you


I've been thinking a lot lately....


if i've said it once i must have said it a million times... i think i'm in love again

i just wish i knew her name


we're the ones who make the world what it is.


sometimes i think i care too much... and other times i just wish i cared at all.


i just wanted to come over and say hey

i couldn't help but see you from across the way

and you're definitely the most beautiful girl i've seen all day

wait, where are you going? I think you should stay

give me just a sec and hear what i've got to say

i'm not just here to play

this is serious business, ok?


just follow me to the floor

we'll dance and talk a little more

just a taste of what's in store

then we'll hit the door

back to my place

make love, not war

wait, wait, don't go

there's one more thing i want you to know


and just like that i was too tired to write anything else

that'st he endof my rap game... at least for tonight.

sometimes i wish i knew where crap like that came from... i think it'[s from listening to too much eminem... makes me think all white kids can rap.

So not true. I'm about as anyways... i cna't even keep my eyes open anymore. my fingers are doing just fine, cilck clacking away at the keyboard with no no hopes and no fears. no angst, but no cheer.


i've said it before and i'm saying it for real now. i'm out like a trout, so don't forget to peace out and eat your vegetables!! whatwhat! sleep.

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