Wednesday, June 17, 2009

secrets and cream

the secret is out
and a harsh reality
is what you will find
when you look beneath the skin
when you look beneath the shell
of all that remains

the secret is out
you are lost
and alone
and in the dark
waiting for something
that might never come

the secret is out
time is slipping away
pulling us apart
and now the time has almost come
for us to say goodbye
to say


that seemed darker than how i actually feel right now. I've had a hectic last few days and I fly out to Cleve Land tomorrow. I know.... I know... .cleveland... it's for a wedding, though. should be madcrazyfun.

I mean, like seriously nutz on so many levels.

can't wait.

so tired right now, though...

can barely keep my eyes open anymore.

not sure why i'm bothering

in fact



i might



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