I almost died today.
No joke.
Near Death Experience #4,721 for me.
But that was the end of the weekend... I should probably start with the beginning. I'll make it quick, though, because while I enjoyed the weekend, I'm not so sure you will find it quite as interesting.
It all started on Friday. I left work a little early (around 6 instead of 6:30) and drove to Miami. Sounds easy, right? Not so much. I started with MASSIVE amounts of traffic in the Tampa area. That set me back about 45 minutes. Then came the route my GPS decided to take me on (which is, apparently, the best one) which took me on random highways through the middle of the state. at one point I sat and watched as a freight train inched by for 15 minutes until I was able to take the car out of park and start driving again. That was the first of two trains. And one 4-way stop sign. On a highway. yeah.
I got to Miami at around 11.30pm and just hung out with marco talking on the balcony of his hotel room listening to the waves roll in. We went to sleep around 4am and got up at around 8.30 for breakfast.
After that I hit up Boynton Beach to visit with my Aunt and Uncle as well as my cousin Emily who was down from Vermont visiting (for those of you who dont' know, Emily was married to Bob... the same bob I blogged about a little while ago who passed recently). We spent the day talking and eating and talking and then went to bed early.
Sunday morning was another trip down to Miami. This time for an Autism Awareness/Fundraising Walk. We met up with my cousin Orin and his wife and kids (well, just Orin at first, everyone else was on the walk) and talked some more. It was a beautiful day out and it was cool talking to Orin before he had to jet. Then, when the walk was over, we spent the day with Julie and the kids. At lunch I was attacked by the Zev-Monster and then he stole my french fries. Back at home, I wrestled with Reya as she beat me with pillows while I tickled her. A good time was had by all.
This morning started with a walk around a nature trail with my uncle, then breakfast with my aunt and Em. More talking. Hugging. Goodbyes. Then driving.
Oh, as a side note... I dropped my Oakleys today. The lenses are both slightly scratched and one of them popped out. I couldn't get it back in. I tried and tried and tried.... and, right before I pulled into a mall containing a Sunglass Hut, I got it. whew. Highway Time!
driving.... driving... driving... boring... driving... boring.... two lane highway... dotted yellow... driving.... going around a turn... yellow line solid.... RV!!!!
apparently, some genius driving an RV decided to pass a line of about six cars. An RV. Those thigns don't have the best pickup in the world. When I entered the curve, there wasn't a car ahead of me for miles.... when I came out of it, there was an RV coming right at me about 100 yards ahead.
It was like they were playing chicken.
I lost.
But I lived.
And that's a good thing.
At least... that's what I keep telling myself. :)
Anyways... I think I'm going to turn in early tonight... it was an eventful weekend... great to see some family... and marco (who really is family at this point).... so you folks enjoy yourselves... dream of chocolate bunnies and fruit-flavored rainbows.
Karma for scratching my sunglasses almost two years ago!!! Just kidding. Sorry, buddy... :-(
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