I wish I could see in to the future. Just a little bit. A few weeks, maybe. A month or two. That's it. Nohting ridiculous or anything. I just wish there were a way for me to get a sneak peak of my life a short distance in the future. I don't want winning lotto numbers or anything. No sports scores to bet on. Nothing like that. I just want to know what lies ahead for me. To prepare.
Maybe if I could just ask one question a week and have that questioned answered for me. Where will I be? What will I be doing? Who will I be doing it with? These are all just small questions. Really insignificant in the grand scheme of things... I don't see how it could hurt to know. Really. Could it?
They say that humans only really use about ten percent of their brains. Looking around myself, I figure I'm probably running at around 8.5 percent. That leaves 91.5 percent of my brains' abilities that are untapped. Now, I don't have plans for another two hours. I think, in that time, I am going to try and turn myself in to a magic eight ball of sorts. I am going to try and harness all that untapped energy inside me and see if I can get a glimpse into the future to answer one of my questions.
I'm going to go sit on my porch, assuming the lotus position, and face west, towards the setting sun. I will let it's light and it's warmth wash over me as the cool breeze whisks over me and through me. A long breath in. And a long breath out. At first my thoughts will be of you. They always are. And I'm okay with that. With my eyes closed I will see your face. Your smile. I'll feel you with me and then I'll let you pass through me as I begin to focus on all the possible visions of my future. I will let the vision of each future in to my mind for just a moment. hardly enough time for it to even sink in. And then I will let it go, to be replaced by something new. Breathing in and Breathing out. Soon, when my imagination has run its course, I'll focus on the blackness that surrounds me and wait for the true vision of my future to surface and fill that void inside me.
And if that doesn't work... well... at least then it'll be time for dinner.
What do you think?
Yeah... that's what I thought.
Reply Hazy. Please Try Again.
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