Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Click... Click... Boom!

As per your request, here's the story of how I almost got shot in the head.

Let me start this off with the question in the survey: Have you ever almost died? My answer was something along the lines of "yes, I was almost shot in the head once" or something like that...

Now, for those of you who did not grow up as little boys, I can tell you that I have almost died hundreds of times. Seriously. If you were to review the highlights of just Dave On A Bike throughout the years, you'd see me hit by 2 cars (the first left me sprawled on the car's hood when I was about 9, the second left me on the side of a road a bit dazed for a few minutes as the driver drove on as if it never happened.) I almost drowned while attending Summer Camp at the local YMCA when I was 6. I mean, really... from the ages of 8 to about 12 we had neighborhood Stick Wars where we used to fight eachother with tree branches.

Death is not something most young boys consider when they dart in and out of traffic on their way to the comic book store... it just isn't. But I digress...

This is to be the tale of my near demise.

Picture this: Cicily, 1946.. your aunt Lisa and I... er, wait, wrong story... Make that Cape Coral, 1991. I'm 11 years old and my friend Nicky and I are walking across town one Saturday afternoon to grab some lunch at McDonalds. This was not a new thing to us... we did it all the time. The two mile walk was always an adventure. We'd stop in as many stores as we could on the way. Tasting as many free samples in the grocery stores as we could. Once the people serving those tasty little morsels started refusing service, we'd grab a cart and race around the store until we were kicked out, then move to the next retailer. But one Saturday we got sidetracked.

Not too far from our neighborhood Nicky spotted something in the gutter. A smile broke across his face as he realized what it was. A revolver. Badass. Or at least the 11-year-old's version of Badass (probably just "Cool" or something of that ilk.) It was loaded, too. Way cool. Thoughts of food immediately were left behind as we took our new treasure back to our Tree Fort.

Once secure in our hide-out Nicky aimed the gun at a random piece of wood that was waiting to find a use in the fort and squeezed the trigger.

Nothing happened.

He did it again.

Nothing happened.

A bit dissapointed, he relinquished the gun to me. It was suprisingly heavy for being so small. I remember that. I knew it wasn't plastic, but still... it had more wieght than I though it would have. I pulled the trigger while I aimed at imaginary glass bottles. My aim was true as evidenced by the glass-shattering sound Nicky made every time the hammer clicked dully on the dud rounds in the chamber.

Nicky's turn. Only this time he pointed the gun at me.

I wanted none of that, and told him so. My mama didn't raise a Complete fool. A fool yes, but not a complete one.

Nicky laughed it off and pretended to shoot me in the head a few times. Click... click... click... I started to walk away. I was not playing anymore. He just laughed it off saying that the gun was broken, nothing would happen. Click.. .click.. click... I told him I was still leaving, I didn't like him doing that. He aims the gun at his mailbox saying that I was just being a baby. Click.. boom.

The front of his mailbox blew open as the round tore right through it. We both screamed and ran. I went to my house, Nicky to his. After a few minutes my phone rang. It was Nicky telling me to get over to his house, so I did. We told his mom we found the gun, but not that we tried to use it. The police were called and they sent someone to pick up the weapon. I made Nicky give me a Nintendo game to square the fact that he almost shot me.
So there you go, folks. I was one trigger pull away from dying before I ever made it to high school.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My feet are cold, but I'm thinking of you.

So here's what I'm thinking...
you and me.
lets run away together.
it doesn't matter where we go
but wherever it is
we can be together.
life doesn't have to be hard
it doesn't have to be complicated.
if i could have anything in the world right now
it would be you.
if i were living a dream
that dream would be with you.
i'm not sure you realize this,
but every time i hear your voice
my heart melts
and ever time i see your face
i lose any thought i may have had.
you are a precious treasure.
its true.
i don't make shit like that up.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Lets watch a movie together

Watching Romeo+Juliet. These are my random thoughts throughout the movie.

I'm 27 minutes in, so you don't get the first few thousand, but you'll get the rest.

Claire Danes is amazingly gorgeous. Paul Rudd is a tool. In this movie. He's awesome otherwise.... in this movie, though, not a fan.

I think this movie made me really love love. It was all a combination of Bill's words and Claire Danes being hawt and sweet and innocent and how young i was when I watched it.... All those things... and more, I'm sure.

Did my heart love 'til now? Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty 'til this night.

Right now things are... complicated. To say the least. You all know how I am... and right now... I just don't know what I want. I mean. I do. But I don't. I wish I did. I really do wish I did.

The problem is... I know exactly what I want. I just know that i shouldn't want what I want and I should be happy with what I have.... but....

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and she is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon who is already sick and pale with grief that thou, her maid, art far more fair than she.

and oh... she is fair. she is everything i could ever want. at least she is from what i can see. ay, that is the rub. for right now I can only see so much. a whole world could be hidden from me. i have a suspicion, though... i have this horrible, sneaking suspician that in this i am not wrong. i am so often wrong in such things i just.... i want. i need. i dream.

Oh, will you leave me so unsatisfied?

What satisfaction can you have tonight?

The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine

I am officially 48 minutes in to the movie and I'm already tired of typing.

21 minutes of rambling while I watch.

I certainly don't remember a boy's choir singing Prince. Did that just happen?

Oh, wait. It must have. There's Michael from LOST again. The whole world is upside down. At least he's not wearing a dress this time.

The soundtrack! The hits just keep coming... that's right Everclear!

Oh shit.


I think this movie is why I liked that song.

mmmm... Claire Danes.... She was my Zooey.

Right now, Zooey is my Zooey, though.

mmm.... Zooey.

Quirky makes me happy. That's come up in conversation a bunch of times lately... There's a fine line betwixt quirky and downright crazy. I have this tendency to allow that line to blurrrrrr in my mind, though. distracted by... I'm not sure, really. The want for something new, I suppose. The want for wanting. The need for needing.

Two random side notes: I'm in a hungry phase. Can't stop eating. Mmmmm... fooooood! To try and weather this storm in a slightly more healthy way than usual I have purchased a dozen yogurts, two boxes of cheery-Ohs and tomorrow I will purchase a dozen bagels, a loaf of bread and a pound or two of roasted turkey breast.

That was side note number one. The second thing that I wanted to mention was that it is now 2:46 in the A.M. and I just watched Romeo slay Tybalt. While I did thusly yawn, my eyes are still wide open. Sleep has been bansh'd and banishment is a fate worse than death for I cannot live out of fair Verona's walls.

Get Thee To A Nunery!

I realize that quote is not from this play... but... I think it whenever I think of Shakespear.

Well, that and "I Bite My Thumb At Thee" ... but that one is for a different reason. I remember when we were reading this play in high school... English, freshman year. I can't really tell you how it started but it did... This one girl, Kate and I used to bite our thumbs at each other. Every once in a while when we'd see each other, one of would just bite our thumbs and cry out, "I bite my thumb at thee!"

Shit's getting serious here. Juliet has to marry paul rudd. A worse fate their could not be. She said she'd rather die than marry paul rudd. paul rudd has no clue he's hated.

The plan is in place. She will be dead, but not. Four and Twenty hours she will lie in a state no better than death. But she will rise. And when she does she will find her Romeo by her side. This all shall be true, but not as she her guide has so planned.

He really should have just used BBM to msg Romeo.... at least then he would have known that his message never made it. Just sayin'.

There is inherent pain in love. If there is no pain, there is no love, for to be that vulnerable... there is no chance that a stray arrow will strike at thee. While it might not strike you down, it will most certainly bring you to your knees.

what light through yonder window breaks, 'tis the east and you... you are exactly what you are and I am exactly what I am.

And on that note I will watch Romeo drink his drink and I will watch Juliet take death from his lips

and knowing who i am

I will lean back and close my eyes

and dream

of stealing sleep

from her sweet kiss.