I can't believe this month is almost over.
I have a birthday in a week in a half.
This will be my first birthday in quite some time that I won't be celebrating in Vegas.
That makes me sad.
Honestly, it breaks my heart more than just a little bit.
At first, it didn't really bother me... I mean, I'm still going to celebrate Davetember in style... Just not Big Baller Style.
This isn't going to be my big, introspective look at the year that has passed... but... looking back at all the decisions I've made over the last few years that have ultimate lead me to be in the position I'm in... well... I'm not sure Present Me agrees with some of the stuff Past Me decided to do.
They say that everything in life happens for a reason, though... but really, who the fuck are "they" and where do they get their information?
I saw, when life gives you lemons, suck it up and eat 'em if that's all you've got. Sure, you'll make that goofball sourpuss face for a few, but really, having lemons is better than not having anything at all, right?